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Environmental problems and solutions essay

Environmental problems and solutions essay

environmental problems and solutions essay

1 day ago · App for reading research papers ready to write 3 from paragraph to essay 3rd edition pdf and problems Environmental solutions pdf essay short essay on goddess saraswati. Essay on market place in english, ap literature free response sample essay. Essay on rainy season in marathi for class 2. Digital divide data case study answers Some of the critical solutions which are helpful for the students to involve while writing an environmental essay include health and industrial threats. The students need to include how resource depletion can affect the health of people. Providing essential solutions are helping to make the readers interested  · There are many environment problems in the contemporary world that jeopardize the normal health of both animals and human beings. Some of these issues are air pollution, global warming, hazardous waste, ozone depletion, smog, and water pollution that are not only local problems but also international issues. Notably, water pollution is one of the world's biggest problems on earth since it

Environmental Problems And Its Solutions, Essay Sample

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Some people think that they can make as much noise as they want, while others think that the amount of noise people make should be strictly controlled. Discuss both views and include your own opinion and examples. It is unfortunately the case that in any society we can find a number of people who do not respect to the social rights of others. One of the most disturbing cases is making environmental problems and solutions essay either in public or people's private life. While the majority of people believe that the amount of noise produced by individuals must be restricted, there are still people who think that they have freedom to make noise regardless of considering other's life.

In this essay, I will explain my point of view by examining both sides of the argument, environmental problems and solutions essay. Some people think that they should not take any responsibility related to limiting or decreasing the noise made by them. They claim that controlling the amount of the noise by rules and regulations not only invades their personal privacy, but it violates their social freedom.

For example, in their view, listening to music loudly or hosting night parties in their own apartments would be considered as their basic human rights of being happy. There is, however, a strong argument that it is the responsibility of all members of a society to respect others' environmental problems and solutions essay life. Most people object to disrupting other's life by making unlimited noises. They believe that making noise should be controlled as much as possible environmental problems and solutions essay it creates disturbance for others environmental problems and solutions essay regulating strict rules.

A common example here is to prohibit talking over cell phones loudly in the public such as in a subway which is clearly creating disturbance for people who are near the person while it has been frequently happening. In my view, any type of activity that creates disturbance for citizens' life must be controlled, environmental problems and solutions essay, and noise is no exception.

Although it is beyond the power of governments to control all disturbing noises in the whole society, it seems to be possible that making some avoidable noises is banned in certain places such as near hospitals. Please give me some comment on my environmental problems essay, especially on grammatical mistakes, thank you Should global environmental damage be managed by the government or individuals? with the rapid development of modern world, environmental problems and solutions essay, global environment hazards are brought to our attention, some people suggest that the government should play a more important role on reducing the environmental damage, while others believe that the individual efforts cannot be ignored.

to begin with, one of the major environmental hazards is the uncontrolled greenhouse gases emission by burning fossil fuel, environmental problems and solutions essay. in order to tackle environmental problems and solutions essay problem, the government plays a vital role. for example, the united nations have reached the agreement on annual carbon emission even china has promised to reduced the emission to international standard, environmental problems and solutions essay.

it is obvious that the government has the power to alter others attitude towards environmental issue, which can be use to minimise carbon emission. on top of this, government can effectively prevent deforestation by reinforcing law and employing heavy punishment to offenders. in some rural countries, where people rely on logging business, the environmental problems and solutions essay cut down trees incautiously and leads to serious rainforest destruction.

if strict regulations are applied by the authority, environmental problems and solutions essay, the natural environment can be preserved. however, individual can also make a great deal of effort on reducing impact by altering their lifestyle. the air quality would be greatly improved if people are willing to use public transport instead of private cars. landfill will be prolonged if people abandon the use of plastic as packaging materials and seek environmental problems and solutions essay friendly alternatives.

if people environmental problems and solutions essay the conception of recycling, the amount of pollutants produced will be significantly reduced. on a whole, the government plays a crucial role on this worldwide issue. however, the individual influence cannot be underestimated. Many people believe that companies and individuals should pay to clean up the environment in proportion to the amount of pollution they have produced. Do you agree or disagree? Over the past decades of ecological history, various environmental problems that the world faced; some may due to natural catastrophe, but most of them are caused by human activities.

As a result, many countries have to bear with pointless expenditure to rejuvenate the state of their environment. Some people argued that every individual inclusive company is obliged to pay the cleaning cost of their actions that lead to environmental degradation, while others believed that certain actions are just unavoidable.

This essay will present both sides of arguments before a reasoned conclusion is drawn. To begin with, environmental problems and solutions essay, Go Green defenders claimed that everyone should be penalized for their doings that caused environmental problems. Although this may be true to certain extent, however, some of the contamination results from human actions are just inevitable.

In the modern era, many daily activities require energy to operate. Most of the energy that human used such as fuel and coals, contain with combustible materials, which will contribute to the environment pollution.

Despite the existence of renewable and clean energy, this technology is still expensive at the moment and not every individual can afford to have.

Hence, putting these costs and blames on these low level incomes groups will definitely burden them. However, certain activities that harmed the environment are primarily motivated for self-interest. Another great example is where household family discarded unwanted objects or food recklessly just to avoid paying disposal or cleaning fee. All these self-centeredness actions have caused serious global warming.

Thus, by imposing penalty on these selfish deeds, government can utilize this fund to restore and improve the ecosystem. To sum up, there are clear supporting reasons for both sides of views; however, in my opinion, environmental problems and solutions essay, it is still believed that preserving the ecosystem is a responsibility of every person, environmental problems and solutions essay.

Hence, any egotistical actions that resulted to environmental damage, they should be liable for the cost of rehabilitation flora and fauna. Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can government do to address these problems? What can individual people do? Over many decades, human beings have been damaging the ecosystem, but it has always been criticized the ways in which they are damaging the environment.

It is essential to understand these different methods which are responsible in polluting the environment. In this essay, all possible ways of damaging the environment will be examined before pointing out the roles of government and an individual in this pressing matter. To begin with the numerous means which cause the ecosystem polluted and destructive.

Firstly, the deforestation where humans continually cutting down the trees for making the room for the living or constructing the new houses.

As a result, many countries are being affected by flood and other natural disasters. Secondly, in order to fulfil the needs of the people, factories and mills are emitting the carbon which causes the ozone layer is being damaged. Finally, the wastage, which is being collected by the people, is being poured into the soil which makes the land infertile. After examining the different ways, it has been clear that humans are responsible for making the environment worse.

Next, environmental problems and solutions essay, the question is that what the government should do for addressing these acute problems. The government can play a pivotal role in order to highlight the issues of global warming.

In other words, people can get familiar with the negative effects of global warming by organizing the government funded awareness camps. Moreover, media can play an important role by having the collaboration with government to address the pressing issues of damaging environment on television. On the other hand, people can control their habits which cause the environment polluted.

For instance, by avoiding the usage of plastic bags they can save the environment from pollution to some extent. In addition to this, they can control their desires which cause the factories and mills to produce more to fulfill their demands. Therefore, undoubtedly, if both government and an individual understand their responsibilities towards the environment, it can be saved from the destruction. In conclusion, after analyzing the different ways of damaging the environment, and the significant roles of the government and an individual.

I opine that this problem cannot be solved to think in isolation, therefore, it is important to both government and individual should come forward and take a responsibility to alleviate this extreme problem otherwise they have to live with the consequences of it.

Click here to post comments. What can governments do to address these problems? The global environment is deteriorating at accelerated phase due to human activities where states and individuals have a major role to play together to prevent this and preserve the environment.

At the outset, human activities such as deforestation for housing and factories shrink the green cover of the world which further impacted by the emission of greenhouse and toxic gases with the use of fossil fuel in vehicles and factories.

Moreover, the excessive use of non-degradable plastics damages the soil vegetation and impact marine life. Though these are essential for the day to day life, the irresponsible behaviors of humans has done irreparable damage to the Mother Nature.

On the other hand, governments around the world are in the confusing battle of prioritizing the environment protection over the creation of better life for their citizens. The focus should be directed to preserving the forest cover with clear demarcation and strict regulation on emission levels. Furthermore, state should encourage the scientific research on alternatives for plastic with bio-degradable materials which are similar in terms of convenience and alternative sources of sustainable energy in place of fossil fuel.

However the general public cannot wash their hands off from this global issue where they also have to realize the social role in preservation of environment. This should include from preventing littering, reducing the use of plastics or reuse them to reduce the damage environmental problems and solutions essay use of alternative modes of transport then excessive use of fuel driven private cars, environmental problems and solutions essay.

Furthermore, this can be improved by creating a demand for organically grown food instead of consuming produce of modern farming techniques which use chemical fertilizer that disturbs the lives inside the soil and water ways near the farms. In a nutshell, the prevention of environmental pollution is not only a responsibility of governments though they are the predominant party to plan macroeconomic policy for solutions but also a responsibility of individuals to adopt environmental friendly lifestyle.

Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment. Only governments and large companies environmental problems and solutions essay make a difference.

To what extent do you agree or disagree? In this modern era where technology and industrialization has highly developed, keeping the environment safe and clean has become a big concern for human kind.

Some people say that governments and large companies should play a big role to protect the nature and take appropriate measures to solve the problems. In my opinion individuals can also contribute to the nature protection on their own level. First of all, one of the main issues that we encounter today is air pollution and the smoke of factories and cars is the main cause of it. Thus in order to reduce the air pollution people should use public transport instead of private cars to commute to the work.

In this way the number of cars will be decreased and so will be the harmful smoke that they emit to the air. Secondly, the second biggest problem is the garbage. We can reduce garbage by recycling the materials and reuse it. Thus people should sort out the garbage and throw them away properly.

Environment problem solution essay [ IELTS ]

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Environmental Problems And Solutions Essay - Environment Is In Danger

environmental problems and solutions essay

Environmental Problems Causes and Solutions Essay. Environmental Problems Causes and Solutions Essay. Question Description. Hello, I would like from you to do the following in two/three pages. Plus, do not forget to include the citation of the report that you would pick  · There are many environment problems in the contemporary world that jeopardize the normal health of both animals and human beings. Some of these issues are air pollution, global warming, hazardous waste, ozone depletion, smog, and water pollution that are not only local problems but also international issues. Notably, water pollution is one of the world's biggest problems on earth since it 1 day ago · App for reading research papers ready to write 3 from paragraph to essay 3rd edition pdf and problems Environmental solutions pdf essay short essay on goddess saraswati. Essay on market place in english, ap literature free response sample essay. Essay on rainy season in marathi for class 2. Digital divide data case study answers

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