Thursday, October 7, 2021

Arming pilots research paper

Arming pilots research paper

arming pilots research paper

Arming Airline Pilots Research Paper, Top Thesis Proposal Editor Site Usa, Starting A Informative Essay With A Quote, Fortune Business Plan/10() Oct 29,  · Research Paper on Arming Airline Pilots October 29, After long debates, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has decided to adopt the program of arming pilots of commercial flights This sample essay on Arming Airline Pilots Research Paper offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay’s introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below. Protect Our People Please What do you do if someone is holding a gun in your face, and you have nothing to defend yourself with?

Research Paper on Arming Airline Pilots |

This sample essay on Arming Airline Pilots Research Paper offers an extensive list of arming pilots research paper and arguments related to it. Protect Our People Please What do you do if someone is holding a gun in your face, and you have nothing to defend yourself with? Well that is the exact circumstance that we all have the chance of facing on a plane. Americans are expected to get on an airplane and feel safe and protected, but all that has happened on airplanes in the past ten years has left us fearful.

We need to do something to make sure that we are safe on an airplane and that an American plane can never arming pilots research paper hijacked again. We need to train and arm our pilots to ensure our safety on an airplane. Airplanes are massive and arming pilots research paper complex pieces of machinery, and they help us get to places more efficiently and cheaper than traditional ways. Although we have seen that if airplanes are not handled properly in the sky, it will have detrimental effects on human lives on a massive scale.

Hijacking or terrorism is one of the major causes of planes being made into death machines. Americans safety aboard airplanes should be of the upmost importance, arming pilots research paper.

There are numerous acts of terrorism that has occurred on commercial airlines, and there needs to be a stop to that. Although most terrorist attacks where a result of people wanting money or something to change in their country, but on September 11th the only goal that the terrorists had was to murder as many people as they could.

Am telling you man this writer is absolutely the best. Thousands of human lives were lost in the World Trade Center and Pentagon, millions of dollars, too. At any cost, we must never allow the high-jacking of September 11 to be repeated.

This tragedy has made airline security the number one issue. Numerous measures such as baggage checks, identity checks, arming pilots research paper, the arming pilots research paper of Sky Marshals on board and so on were proposed by airline companies, pilots, and security experts. Many of these measures are being implemented. But what if a terrorist gets by the security checks points, arming pilots research paper, it is not like it has not happened before.

Nearly two-thirds of those whom we trust to operate huge jets safely are former military aviators with arming pilots research paper training, and skills-testing would not be a problem. These days, most people would think twice before boarding a plane.

As an alternative to firearms some experts propose arming pilots with stun guns or guns equipped with specialized bullets. But they could do serious damage to the human body, which is fine in the case of hijackers. Arming pilots research paper planes cockpits already come equipped with crash axes, which could be used as weapons. Scott, 3 A survey was given on October ninth asking how many people would agree to letting pilots be armed, and seventy five percent said arm our pilots.

Obviously, a pilot carrying a gun reduces the possibility that hijackers could succeed in their task. Also, the majority of the American public feels safer just knowing that many pilots are beginning to carry weapons. Some people opposed to pilots carrying guns fear for the safety of the passengers; they fear that a stray bullet may strike a passenger. What if the pilot shot numerous times at the hijacker and accidentally shot a passenger?

Honestly, this is a very legitimate point. However, given the choice, most would choose a stray bullet to one passenger over the tragic deaths of thousands. People think that Donnelly, 1 a few bullet holes in the plane will make something happen and cause the plane to go down. These people have no clue what they are talking about.

Airlines have experienced explosions on planes without it crashing what will a few bullet holes do? All I am asking for is a fighting chance to save my passengers, crew, aircraft and people on the ground from a psycho or terrorist. If a potential terrorist knows that a gun is on board, they could craft a plan to utilize it as part of a larger plan. The use of a locked cabin door and on-board air marshals seems like enough security. With tight airport security, it is almost impossible for a hijacker to bring a gun or a knife on a plane.

The most they would probably be able to get through would be a pair of box cutters. If the pilots had a gun, the hijackers could ambush the pilots when they came out of the cockpit and the hijackers would end up having the guns and the passengers would be defenseless.

Scott, arming pilots research paper, 3 But what the pilots are trying to let people know is that you would have arming pilots research paper go through rigorous testing and skills training to be considered, and that is to arming pilots research paper another tragic even like September 11th.

I do believe airline pilots should be armed because if the plane is being hijacked, that may be the only way to save lives if the plane has been overtaken by hostiles. I believe airline pilots should be armed to protect themselves and the passengers from hostiles. There are many U. Marshalls which are placed on airplanes to keep a hijacked plane from occurring, but I still believe it is a good idea for the pilots to be armed. The hijackers could get past the Marshall and make their way to the cockpit which would be a very dangerous scenario.

If the pilot was armed, this could save hundreds of lives as the hostiles would not expect the pilot to have a weapon. There should be a method, policy, procedure and training for the handling of the weapon. An action plan should be attached to the possibility of having to use the weapon. But, yes, pilots should be armed.

The pilot should have to pass a psychological assessment, as they already have to. But, a pilot with a gun is no more dangerous than a pilot with a plane full of passengers, flying through the air. There are no police in the sky. So, he should be as equipped as possible to deal with that responsibility.

Work Cited Donnelly, Sally B. Academic Search Complete. Ko, Marnie. West, Woody. Scott, William B. Arming Airline Pilots Research Paper.

com, Dec 06, Accessed October 6, arming pilots research paper, comDec Arming Airline Pilots Research Paper Topics: Airplane Aviation Security Terrorism.

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Arming Pilots Research Topic Presentation

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Research Paper on Arming Airline Pilots - Term Paper

arming pilots research paper

Jan 20,  · Type of paper: Research Paper. Topic: Aviation, Airline, Terrorism, War, Pilot, Security, Atomic Bomb, Nuclear Weapon. Pages: 5. Words: Published: /01/ ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. The American Homeland Security Act contains a provision to arm pilots of commercial airlines and gives the deputy pilot the authority to use lethal force in This sample essay on Arming Airline Pilots Research Paper offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay’s introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below. Protect Our People Please What do you do if someone is holding a gun in your face, and you have nothing to defend yourself with? Arming Airline Pilots Research Paper, Top Thesis Proposal Editor Site Usa, Starting A Informative Essay With A Quote, Fortune Business Plan/10()

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